Monday, September 23, 2013

Been A While

It has been a while hasn't it? Too many things happened, and I'm now back in Malaysia. The simplest explanation I can give for why the sudden and long stop from blogging is I was focusing in my studies (not really actually, but yeah, been busy for the past 3 years).

So now let's move from the past, and focus on now and future


  1. Graduated, and back to Malaysia
  2. Employed, in a solar industry
  3. Doing some part-time business
  4. ENGAGED! Yeayy!!
  5. So, it's that time of life when I need to go around for wedding stuff. May be exciting for girls, but guys? Nah, I don't mind, as long as my fiancee is there. I wont do the shopping alone. NEVER!

  1. Business advancement
  2. Family development (hoho, how many kids? 10 is enough or not?)
  3. Car. What car to buy?
  4. House! The single most depressing thing I can think of. With the price hike, it'll be too pricey sooner rather than later
You might ask why I want to start blogging again. Actually there is this one friend of mine, who said that he gained like 6k a month from advertises on his websites. So, why dont I give it a go, right? So expect me to update this blog quite often after this.

Till then, have a good day!

Friday, March 4, 2011

What I've Learned this Winter

Perginya salji diiringi dengan kehadiran bunga-bunga di jalanan. Adakah aku gembira dengan perginya salji ini? Atau adakah aku sedih?

Aku happy. Sebab tak lama lagi bunga pulak yang akan jatuh, dah bukan salji. Best best. But it is undeniable that I will miss Ms Snow. So beautiful that I cant stop look up to the sky, watching the snow falls to the earth and onto my palms. Goodbye Snow, see ya next year :)

Ms Snow ni ada lah ajar aku serba sedikit ajar pasal hidup ni. Antaranya adalah:

  1. Kita kena sentiasa bersedia dengan apa yang each day tu has to offer. Bila tengok dekat weather forecast, -16C tu rasa macam dah sejuk gila. But bila keluar, dengan cuaca sejuk macam tu and tambah lagi dengan angin kencang, peh. Selawat je la yang aku mampu
  2. Mendidik aku untuk menjadi insan yang lebih tabah. Setiap hari nak jalan meredah kesejukan bukanlah suatu yang mudah. Kalau tiba-tiba datang mood malas sebab sejuk, tak ke kelas lah gamaknya.
  3. It also makes me realize yang panas itu adalah lebih baik daripada sejuk. So nanti balik Malaysia, aku dah takkan merungut panas lagi dah sebab sejuk adalah lebih teruk daripada panas. Poyo je. Nanti bila dah panas, baru kau rasa nak sejuk pulak. Manusia, mana penah cukup dengan nikmat yang ada.
  4. Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri. Lebih baik di negeri sendiri. Walaupun dari kecik rasa macam best je snow, but kalau compare dengan hujan lebat kat Malaysia, hujan lebat kat Malaysia much better, sebab boleh tido dengan bestnya. Kalau snow, sejuk sangat, susah nak tido. haha
Cant wait for the Spring to come. Wanna take lots of pictures with the beautiful scenery. With the blondes too. :D

Moral hari ini, March 4, 2011: Appreciate what we have, because we might not get the second chance to have what we have now in the future. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Ustazah Nor Bahyah

Memang dah saaangat terlambat untuk aku cerita pasal Valentine's Day. Betul kan? haha. Tapi takpe, jangan risau. Aku bukan nak cakap pasal Valentine.

Apa yang korang dapat tau pasal Valentine's Day tahun ni?

Ramai yang dah mula keluarkan artikel-artikel yang menyatakan Valentine's Day ni tiada kena mengena dengan apa yang digembar-gemburkan sebagai menyambut hari kejatuhan Islam.

Pardon me if I'm wrong.

Dalam hal ni, aku rasa aku takkan berpihak kepada mana-mana pihak, sebab we do not know which one is the truth. Yeah, based on history, memang obviouslah mereka yang menyokong Valentine's Day ni akan menang. Namun demikian, adakah anda lupa bagaimana negara-negara Barat boleh claim each and every inches of Science knowledge as theirs? Ke mana hilangnya Ibnu Bathutta, Ibnu Sina, dan segala ilmuan Islam yang lain daripada Science history? I am not accusing the Westerner of hiding the truth, nor do I wanna say that we started a lie. It is just that it makes me wonder, how can such a great philosopher being forgotten by history just like that? Or should I say they miss those names? I do not know. I dont have enough proofs to say which side of story is the real truth, because each side claims that they are the truth. 

Maybe it is just the case of who leads or conquers this world. Like how parents affect their family's way of thinking. Or is it maybe because there is no one in our side brave enough to stand, and speak in the science and history societies. I do not know of all of these either. 

But I do know that in respecting others, we cannot hex, scold, or curse others in public, not to say that it can be broadcasted all over the world, through This is what happened to Ustazah Siti Nor Bahyah.

This started when she said that sex and whatsoever being done in Valentine's Day is Christianity's culture. She also said about some history background of the day. I know and I understand why the Christians are so mad at this statement. Sex is not their culture, it is just human's nature. What I do not understand is why the muslims are so into this statements? Why did they acted like they were they one who're being offended?

I am really upset with this situation. There are even video responses to the video of Ustazah's statement. They attacked Ustazah because they claim that Ustazah's explanation of the Valentine's Day's history is not true. I cannot explain much about this because history is not something that certain. According to one of the video responses, they asked Ustazah to study history first, then only can she say anything about it. She has studied it indeed. But in our context of history. As I said before, history has two sides of story. Maybe more if we count the Chinese, Indians, Africans, and South Americans. They all have their own story. I am not dare enough to say that those guys are wrong, but please, there are many other ways you can explain to her that she's wrong.

And so what if she is really wrong? Does it mean you can happily celebrate Valentine's Day? If that is so, go on. Celebrate it then. No one gonna stop you.

As what I can see, she was just doing her job, to always "amar makruf nahi munkar." She said all of that so that we, Muslims, would never give out ourselves to our partners, or in other word, zina. 

For me, it is on the individuals itself whether they want to celebrate it or not. But when it comes to sex, it is a big NO. And that is what Ustazah wants to prevent. Yeah, she did said that we cannot celebrate the day, but in my opinion, it is good, because if we do not celebrate it, the tendency for us to do sex is dramatically dropped. 

Come on guys. She is such a good woman. Do you still remember about her "Cakar Harimau"? At that time, we all praised her. But now, when she did one little mistake, the whole community of teenagers hate her. Why? Kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga

Moral hari ini, February 25, 2011: Dont take one thing superficially. Analyze them, and take what's good from it. And please, buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih. Maafkanlah kesilapan Ustazah Nor Bahyah.

Monday, February 21, 2011

How to Make Them Stick to You

No money no talk man. If you want a bitch, you got to pay for it.

Ramai laki bising perempuan zaman sekarang ni materialistik, asyik kejar duit je. So what? X payah pening fikir macam mana nak kejar perempuan, biar perempuan yang datang kejar kita.



You know that women love money. They have the sixth-sense. They can smell money. They can see through your pocket. They are psychologist, they see you, they know you have money.

Rather than working your ass out chasing a girl, why dont you chase money? You got money, women will come to you. You chase a girl, the girl will suck all of your money. What a waste man. I tell you this, money is everything. You got money, you'll get everything.

Semua playboy tau prinsip ni. Asal kau kaya, kau handsome, kau nak perempuan mana-mana pun boleh. Tinggal angkut je.

Imagine these situations:

Situasi 1:
Perempuan ni baru habis keje, pakai blouse putih, and skirt labuh warna pink, tunggu balak dia depan office. Then sampai lah balak dia, Farid, dengan motor RXZ. Dihulurkan helmet spare ke arah awek tersebut. Tiba-tiba, datang anak boss syarikat tu, Iskandar, dengan suit hitam, kemas. "Julia, nak balik rumah ke? Want me to send you home?"

Agak-agak kau lah, si Julia ni nak ikut siapa? Of course lah dia akan ikut balak dia kan, sebab nama pun balak. But dalam hati dia, mestilah dia nak naik dengan Iskandar tu. Dah lah anak boss, handsome pulak tu.

Situasi 2:
Julia dah tinggalkan Farid buat masa yang lama, and sekarang dia dengan Iskandar pulak. Mereka sangat bahagia bersama, sehinggalah pada suatu hari, Iskandar jatuh sakit and badannya lumpuh. Mukanya pun dah berparut sana-sini. Nak dijadikan cerita, sebab Julia ni dah takde tempat nak mengadu, dia cari balik Farid tu. Just untuk mengadu. So mereka pun set masa and tempat untuk berjumpa. Bila tiba saatnya mereka berjumpa, Julia berasa amat terkejut kerana Farid bukanlah seperti Farid yang dia kenali dulu. Farid sekarang dah berkereta and mempunyai pendapatan yang tetap sejak diterima bekerja sebagai pengurus kewangan di Bank Cina India Melayu. Sejak itu, mereka sering berjumpa, dan Julia jatuh cinta kembali kepada Farid, walaupun pada masa yang sama, cintanya pada Iskandar masih lagi mekar.

Dalam situasi ni, aku tak tau siapa yang dia akan pilih. So aku let it be je lah.

Walaupun cerita tu hanya rekaan semata-mata, but aku harap korang bolehlah nampak gambaran apa yang aku nak sampaikan. Although women claim that money is not everything for them, but it is one of the most important aspects they consider when it comes to marriage.

Takkan perempuan tu nak hidup dengan lelaki yang takde duit. Susah lah hidup dia kan. Makan minum anak dia nanti macam mana, siapa nak tanggung. Itulah alasan yang selalu diberi oleh kaum hawa ni bila cakap pasal duit. And aku pun setuju dengan point diorang ni.

Come on guys. Korang pun kalau nak berawek, mesti nak cari yang lawa-lawa je kan. So fair lah kalau awek-awek ni nak cari yang kaya-kaya je. Well, not kaya lah, berduit.

So kalau kau susah sangat nak cari awek sekarang ni, apa kata kau kejar duit. “Aim for the sky and you'll reach the ceiling. Aim for the ceiling and you'll stay on the floor” (Bill Shankly). Kau tau perempuan pentingkan duit, so baik kau kejar duit. At least, kalau kau tak dapat duit tu, kau akan dapat perempuan tu. haha. Bodoh, takde kena-mengena.

Kejar duit, so that bila kau dah ada duit tu, perempuan akan kejar kau. So masa tu, kau dah tak payah kisah lagi pasal macam mana nak buat perempuan setia kat kau. Sebab kau dah memang calon suami terbaik yang dia ada dalam list. Unless dia ni ada sugar daddy la kan. haha

Aku tulis post ni sebab aku bengang bila ada lelaki cakap perempuan ni materialistik, but then, still chase for the same woman. Come on lah. Dia dah taknak kat kau, dia nak duit je. Kau dah tau dia materialistik, baik kau ikhtiar macam mana nak kumpul duit, so that dia akan suka kat kau. 

By the way, kalau perempuan tu materialistik, baik kau tinggal. Buat habis duit kau je. Belum kawin dah kaut semua duit, dah kawin nanti, habis semua harta pusaka dia korek. Lagipun materialistic girl ni selalunya high maintenance. Nak mekap tu lah, nak lipstik ni lah. Nak Coach itu, nak Victoria Secret ni. Dari kau serabut otak bayar semua benda tu, baik kau tinggal je dia, beli rokok. Lagi puas. haha. Tapi kalau dia kerkerjaya, kerja doktor ke apa ke, tak kisah lah. Dia nak apa, biar dia bayar sendiri. Ni just apply to those yang malas nak kerja, asyik nak depend kat duit laki. Wujud lagi ke perempuan macam ni? Aku rasa dah takde dah. haha. Perempuan zaman sekarang dah pandai, dah ada kerjaya masing-masing.

So, guys, ingat, go for the money, not the girl.

Moral hari ini, February 21, 2011: Be smart.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Profile Picture

As you all know, fesyen di tanah air kita tengah pesat membangun. Macam-macam yang kita boleh nampak. Semuanya cantik-cantik belaka. Kalau pergi jalan mana-mana, memang akan nampak meriah dengan fesyen berwarna-warni ni.

Aku suka. Sumpah aku suka. They make me smile :)

Then bila dah pakai cantik-cantik ni, tak sah la kan kalau tak amik gambar selai dua. So dengan teknologi yang ada, bawak keluar camera or handphone dari poket, tarik tangan ke atas sikit, teleng kepala ke tepi, jeling ke atas, muncung bibir bagi nampak bibir tu halus, then, *click*. Sehelai gambar telah pun siap disnap. Then tengok balik gambar tu, jadi ke tak. Kalau tak jadi, amik lagi sekali, sampai puas hati. Kalau jadi, pun sama je. Amik lagi banyak-banyak kali sebab dah excited ada gambar lawa. haha

Aku suka tengok gelagat diorang ni. Kalau gambar tak lawa, diorang akan mengeluh sikit, then amik lagi. Kalau lawa pulak, muka girang gila-gila, then dengan pose yang sama, amik gambar lagi sekali. hahaha. Macam takde point pun kau usha gambar tu tadi. At last amik lagi sekali jugak. haha.

Lagi sekali, aku tak kisah, sebab aku suka tengok sesi photografi sendiri ni. Pada aku, nampak comel. Maybe sebab masa amik gambar tu, diorang buat muka comel kot.

Tapi apa yang aku tak boleh terima, diorang amik gambar tu takde background. Come on man. Gambar kena ada subjek and background, baru complete. Ni kalau gambar tu dah penuh dengan muka kau je, kau nak cerita apa kat anak kau nanti? "Ni dulu mak pergi Cameron Highland, cantik tak mak dulu?" Then sebab gambar takde background, si anak ni akan jawab "Yeke Cameron Highland? Tak caya lah. Yang Emi nampak just jerawat mak je" hahaha. 

Nak buat macam mana kan, dah kau amik gambar takde background, and memang focus gila-gila kat muka kau je, so memang akan nampak jelaslah segala jerawat, blackhead yang ada kat muka kau tu. Lagi-lagi nanti bila zaman dah makin maju, screen guna yang 80 inci, memang akan lagi jelas lah kan.

Itu aku tak kisah sangat lagi, sebab itu hal mereka and tiada kaitan dengan aku. Just buat aku senyum sorang-sorang lihat gelagat mereka. Itu pun hanya seketika. 

Yang buat aku gelak gila-gila adalah bila ada beberapa orang ni, kat facebook la, mana lagi, upload gambar yang memang gambar dia dah lawa dah, but background entah pape. Kat tepi tong sampah, kat kedai mamak yang belakang tu boleh nampak makanan-makanan berterabur, dan lain-lain. 

Aku tau lah dalam gambar tu kau nampak cantik, but bila background buruk, gambar tu akan nampak buruk gak. And being as a nature guy as I am, aku lagi suka tengok background dulu, baru aku tengok muka sekor-sekor dalam gambar tu. Bila background dah tak lawa, itu akan menunjukkan yang kau tu tak detail. Bila nak pilih gambar nak upload kat facebook, kau kena tau yang bakal ayah or mak mertua kau pun boleh view. So kalau gambar pun dah macam tu, macam mana la diorang nak terima sebagai menantu kak oi..

Just keep this in mind, a picture tells a thousand words. :)

Moral hari ini, February 19, 2011: Jadilah orang yang perfectionist. Kalau tak perfect pun, at least apa yang kita usahakan tu hasilnya akan great. :)