Thursday, October 14, 2010

Colleges and The Art of Flirting

"Okay Firdaus, apa cita-cita kamu?" tanya Cikgu Rosmah kepadaku sepuluh tahun lalu.

Saya nak jadi doktor, cikgu. Ayah saya suruh saya jadi doktor."

Mesti korg semua igt lagi kan time sekolah rendah dulu cikgu mesti akan tanya apa cita-cita kita. And bila cikgu tanya "
Siapa nak jadi doktor?", mesti ramai yang terkinja-kinja angkat tangan kan. haha. Itulah kita zaman budak-budak dulu. Semua nak jadi doktor. haha


Bila dah masuk sekolah menengah, dah belajar
Physics, Chemistry dan Biology, masing2 tukar cita-cita mereka. Start la "Aku x boleh amik Bio la." "Aku x reti Math" "Aku in love with Bio."

Then masuk Universiti, masuk pulak College yg berbagai.

College of Engineering
College of Business
College of Medicine
College of Arts and Sciences
dan macam-macam lagi college yg ada.

Di Ohio State University ni aku mampu lihat perbezaan di antara college-college ni. Cara mereka berjalan, cara bergaul, cara study dan lain-lain.

Kalau yg
Engineering 2, borak nk kuat2 je, then badan semua tough2. Jalan mmg lain la, macam ada ego tersendiri. haha.
Medic pulak, amboiii.bukan main sopan lagi kau berjalan ye. Borak pn borak2 yg berfaedah je. Go get some life guys!

Itulah antara perbezaan college-college ni.


The thing which is really obvious that we can compare between these colleges is the way they flirt.

1. Cara-cara Approach

Medic: Hye. I think I know you. Have we met before?
Art: Hello there. Nice performance last night. Good job!
Engineering: Hey babe. Are you free tonight?

haha. ha. camtu la dorg approach. cmne plak cara dorg puji awek2 dorg?

2. The way they treat their girlfriends

Medic: You look pretty today my dear
Art: Nice legs!
Engineering: Im going out with my friends to watch football. Bye!

Laki yg amik medic mmg akan lebih romantik sebab dorg ni ada hati yg lembut. Yg art ni pulak, sophisticated sgt otak mereka. Tah apa dorg pk. Engineer pulak, xyah cakap, mmg xkisah pn pasal awek dorg. Yg pntg, enjoy! haha

3. How they break up

Medic: My dear, I'm so sorry. But I think I need to focus on my studies. Hope you understand

Art: You are no longer my love. Ive fallen in love with her paintings.

Engineering: Introducing, this is my new girl, Jessica.

haa. Itulah serba sedikit perbezaan antara major. Setiap insan yg lahir di muka bumi ini dilahirkan berbeza2, with their own advantages and disadvantages. So it is normal to be different from others. Just be yourself and do always believe in yourself.

Moral harini, October 14th, 2010: Hargailah insan yg mencintai anda. Mereka telah berkorban macam2 untuk anda, why not show them how much you love them :)


Atikah Adnan said...

Pernah break up macam tu tak? LOL

AZLeEn AziZ said...

aku dak medic ok...cisss

Firdaus said...

atikah n aleen: Tu mat salleh je..melayu kan penuh dgn adat dan kesopanan.haha

miya said...

Kalau Medic pulak, amboiii.bukan main sopan lagi kau berjalan ye. Borak pn borak2 yg berfaedah je. Go get some life guys!

cehs! ini sudah lebih. eheh

Firdaus said...

haha. ala mira. ini lelaki la..mira terasa? haha

miya said...

agak terase sbb u mention budak medic situ.
nx tyme make it clear, cakap la boyssss!

Anonymous said...

yup...tol2...dlu tmpat aku stdy pon cm2...lain course...,ln perwatakan n cara org 2...mmg dah cm2 kot....but kat tmpat baru ni...,aku xnmpak sgt lah...hahahahaha...

Firdaus said...

Thats because God wanna make this world balanced ^^