Monday, October 11, 2010

Lelaki dan Sex Education mereka

Last weekend i got nothing to do so I streamed through and found Pisau Cukur. I watched it because based on the reviews, this is one quite interesting malay movie.

Tengok punya tengok, tetiba

"Lelaki..kalau boleh simpan 2, kenapa nak buang 1"

Aku terus mcm "apahal pulak?"

Then I realized that although I am not that type of a person, but it is unarguable that most of the men in this world mmg akan ada sifat tu dalam diri masing2. This is based on my experience and my readings.

OK. kenapa lelaki nak kahwin ramai? sebab NAFSU. yeke? YE! dulu aku sekolah all-boys, English College, and I know what boys will feel when they got 2 or 3 girls having a relationship with them in the same time. Ada yg nak suka suka, ada yg nak tunjuk hebat, but the real reason behind all of that is: LUST.

Itulah remaja lelaki. Pasti akan selidik semua perkara dan cuba perkara-perkara tersebut.

Aku x kan tulis pasal ayat2 Quran or Hadis sebab aku tau korg da selalu baca kan pasal ni. Tapi aku akan gtau korg the fact behind porn addictive ni.


Apa yg PALING ingin diketahui budak-budak yg baru nk rasa dunia ni? SEKS. and apa rujukan mereka? PORN.

Masuk je Form 1 or Form 2, I assure you, 90% of boys will at least watch porn once. And if ada yg addicted, akan tengok tiap2 hari. Aku? Aku x terlibat ok :)

Time tu parents mmg xkan suspect pape coz mcm kecik lg kn. korg tgk la adik2 korg, form 1 form 2 kan masih kecik je kn? time tu la dorg akan belajar benda2 mcm tu. Parents akan start control their movements bila dah masuk form 4, which for yg dah hanyut tu, dah sangat terlambat.

Bila da banyak sgt tgk porn, dah belajar macam2 dr "cikgu cikgu" dorg tu, so dorg pn akan rasa nak TRY. So mencari cari lah mereka gadis gadis hot yg akan mereka jadikan mangsa experiment. Yg si gadis gadis ni pulak, bila ada lelaki suka kat dorg, ayat2 sikit, bagi bagi coklat, start lah cair..then percaya lelaki tu betul2 sayang dia..then berjalanlah experiment lelaki tersebut ke atas gadis tersebut..

Typical isnt it? yeah. dalam setiap column hal ehwal masalah sosial ni, mesti bnde ni akan diulang-ulang. tapi the fact that it is true, x boleh disangkal lagi.

So sebagai remaja yang tidak hanyut, saya suggest to mak mak dan ayah ayah remaja2 ni, to monitor your children dr kecik lagi. Ajar dorg yg seks is not something that they can have fun with coz once dorg dijangkiti HIV and AIDS, they will never taste any bit of fun again in their life.

Pada gadis gadis pula, jangan lah cepat percaya dengan janji-janji manis lelaki ni. ok? :)

Ok lah. cakap panjang2, nnt blog aku kne block pulak. haha

Moral harini, 11th October, 2010: Dapatkan maklumat-maklumat yg anda cari dari source2 yg credible.


incikweasel said...

Eleh, berlagak baik konon, padahal bpe byk awek da ko ade??? hahahahahahaha

Firdaus said...

aku x sehandsome kau padil amik gambar aku xde ramai awek cam kau..