Bila aku scroll scroll artikel-artikel tu, aku sedar satu benda.
Perkara-perkara yang diorang utarakan tu semuanya adalah what they want from a guy, not what they need. Tiada satu artikel pun cakap yang dia nak lelaki yang akan protect dia, or lelaki yang akan bimbing dia hingga ke syurga. Yang ada hanyalah "Girls love surprises", "Air mata adalah senjata wanita", "Jika si dia sedih, dampingilah dia", and macam-macam lagi.
Come on girls. Where goes your so-called give and take? If we, men, really have to follow those "guidelines", then there's no different between us and robots. We have our own hearts, we have our own lives, we have our own ego, we have our own principles. Then with such a guideline, where goes our dignity? It shows that us, men, do not know a thing about you girls. Being as a man, I know that dignity is so important for us. How can we lead a family when we're being controlled by a woman? Think about it.
Yeah I admit it that the articles are all true, but different guys have their different personalities. We, men, have never expect anything from you. All we need is a woman who can take care of our children. We will not ask anything from you lads.
Is it fair for the girl to ask so many things from his guy, when the guy only wants her love? No, it is not.
Women nowadays always brag about how they are now equal with men. It is true, and I respect that. But when it comes to relationship thingy, girls will always play the unfair game by asking so much out of his man. While the man, usually, will just asks for her love.
Give and take.
That's just a phrase made by someone who call themselves as "Dr Love". Such a thing will never exist in this world because everyone knows the fact that women have 9 lusts and 1 brain. Women will hope, expect, and asks so many things from his man. Well, there are some of the girls who say that it is fair because if men want them, we have to pay the price.
As men, we will always take the pleasure of making you feel appreciated. But for a long term relationship, that's just not gonna work. Pokailah duit kitorang kak oi kalau semua benda kau nak! hahaha
Moral hari ini, January 22nd, 2011: Lelaki hanya mahukan kasih sayang seorang bergelar wanita, tidak pernah lebih dari itu. So please girls, appreciate what your man has done for you. Even if what they gave you is not so much compared to a Coach or Prada, but if they give you something, that shows that he really loves you. Kesian kawan-kawan aku yang ngadu kat aku awek dia x hargai dia.
P/S: I love you
and all I want from man is only love.
the love.
but so far, till now. I havent found one.
Wow miya! Lajunya. haha. Ala, mira yang jual mahal kan. :)
perghhh..luahan hati lelaki ke nih..aku leh bygkan ko ckp cane..aku amik facts tuh from omputih punyela..mmg la diorg x letak pasal2 bimbing ke syurga sume2 tuh..
tak nak tanya ke what i want from you? hihi
i xpernah mintak pe2 kat si dia pon...i cme nak die faham n spent time ngan i...2 pon die xleh wat..:((
Haha. Aku nak elaborate panjang2, but takut offensive pulak. So ni je lah yg dapat aku post. Kalau kau nak private session dgn aku, feel free to contact me. hahaha. Bajet gila
I know exactly what you want :)
If that's the case, banyak lagi jejaka-jejaka yang kacak dan baik hati. Kalau xde jugak, amik la yang takde rupa. Selalunya mereka ni lagi baik dari yang kacak. :o
rupa bkn segalanya...exactly...yg penting hati already leave him 5 days ago..yup..blaja untuk lebih sayangi diri sendiri lepas ni..:>>>
Kau memang selalu setuju je apa aku cakap. haha
Alamak. Ni yang timbul rasa guilty ni. Sorry to hear that :(
its ok...apa2 pon..terima seadanya..,even is hard...chill:))
Nice post, left me pondering of this two different situation:
Women A: "Can you be at my side, during my sadness, happiness, & bla..."
ME: "Anything for you my dear love.. :) muah99x..."
Women B: "Awak suke saye? Boleh tak awak bimbing saye sampai ke Syurga??"
ME: "mmm... ok? wait! what?? xpela, I ade hal la.. member ajak lepak, k bye, esok jumpe lagi ye.."
*haram, sampai bile2 aku akan hilangkan diri*
A true story!!!!!
@flazeroth4th: it is based on ure story or someone else???
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